Best Gifts For New Mums And Babies


Best Gifts For New Mums And Babies.

What is the best gifts for new mum or first time mums and her babies. Will the new mum like what I give them. Is it what they need or will it just add to the clutter in their house. Here are some tips to help you decide. 

#1 If she is your wife

Best gifts for new mums and babies if she is your wife is to give her a sentimental gifts. Like a beautiful necklace for mother and child to sum up the importance of both mother and child is to you. When she wears this beautiful necklace of 2 interlocking rings and a sparkly gem she will be reminded of those closest to her heart. She can wear it around her neck daily to remind her of the special place she has in your heart.

best gift for mums and babies


#2 If she is your colleague.

Instead of just spending money on impractical gifts, give the new mum something like a nutritious food basket  that will boost her energy and keep her up to the task of looking after her newborn. Good nutrition is important to a woman especially when she has given birth to her first new born baby.

#3 If she is your daughter.

If the new mum happens to be your daughter, what better  gifts to give your daughter and her newborn child than your offer to help take care of your grandchild so that the new mother could get some rest. Most new mothers will usually be sleep deprived because a baby needs to be feed throughout the night. Help from grandparent is great provided your daughter is open to it otherwise good intention will be misinterpreted as interfering grandparent.

#4 If she is your best girl friend

If the new mum is your best friend you could plan to have a candlelight dinner together in her favorite restaurant. To cap it off, present her with a spa gift set.  She needs some pampering and relaxation herself. A change.  from taking care of her new born baby is good for her.  

bath spa gifts for new mums


#5 If she is your sister

If new mum happens to be your sister and you have been close sharing weal and woes as well as clothes you may want to give her a a photo album of carefully piece together pre pregnancy and post pregnancy photos after her child is born. She will be ever grateful for the memories and the good times both of you shared. Most importantly, in this period of her life, she will be ever grateful for the siblings bonding. To top it off, get her a personalized mug of she and you together or she and her new born baby.

#6 If she is a school friend

If new mum is a classmate whom you keep in touch once in a while you may get a book on  parenting that is on the  best seller list of Amazon. Since this the first time that she is becoming a new mum, she will be grateful for the tips shared about parenting and how to bring up her child. 

#7 If she is your sister-in-law

If new mum is your sister-in-law you may consider getting her a diaper bag backpack. It will comes in useful when she travels around with her baby on buses, trains and on walks. 

#8 What to get for babies

One obvious answer is of course clothing. Babies need clothing but as obvious as it sounds, it can also be a tricky issue. One thing to bear in mind when it comes to buying clothes is that babies will outgrow them very fast and at the same time how much is too much knowing that babies need to stay dry and need frequent changes of clothes when they wet themselves frequently.

#9 Educational Toys for babies

When you are getting toys for babies it is best to bear 3 things in mind. Firstly,  the toys is safe to play with and non-toxic. Second, the toys should help to build the mental ability, emotion and creativity of the child and third, it should be fun and educational.

. #10 Play is an important element in your babies development

Play is an important element in the development of babies. It is good to remember this important point when choosing what toys or best toys to buy for babies. Use this knowledge to your advantage by introducing play into the activities of your baby. Get on the floor to play with them is one way and read to them often. Let them get to hear the sound of your voice as you read to them and the sound of your laughter as you play with them. These will go down well with them in their developing years. It will make a big impact on their lives and mental and emotional development. 


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