The Ultimate Guide For New Mums


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The Ultimate Guide For New Mums

If you are welcoming a new baby into your home or already have a new baby on hand to care for, congratulations. You may find the ultimate guide for new mums useful and helpful. Because it will provide you with tips on how best how to care for and look after your baby’s needs.

It may look like it is the easiest thing to do to look after a baby.  Being a mother for instance should be instinctive but it is further from the truth. Because it takes lots of hard work and research to look after the needs of your baby.

Babies can have a mind for instance of their own.  So mums have to learn about the quirks and behavior of their babies and how best to cater to their needs. So, here are some tips that will be helpful for the new mums.

10 Ultimate Guides For New Mums.

The ultimate guide for new mums offers 10 tips that may prove helpful for new mums. Some of the best recommended helpful tips this guide offers for instance are :

#1. Stay Healthy.

Looking after your baby 24/7 you must also look after yourself. You need to stay healthy yourself as it can be a tiring job. Take the necessary supplement and get sufficient as you need to stay healthy and focus to be able to continue giving your love and attention to your baby.



#2. Is Breast Feeding For New Mums.

Baby Jesus was breast fed by His Mother Mary. One question that most new mums ask is whether they should breast feed their baby or provide them with milk powder. Though it may be convenient to rely on milk powder research have shown that breast feeding is a better option. Because if you are working or unable to get a nurse maid then you may have to rely on milk powder as an alternative option. So if you are able and willing to breast feed your baby, remember to have the proper nutrition and supplement yourself. So that you have the strength and energy to breast feed.

#3. Know That It Is Okay To Be Different From Other Mums

If you are wondering what other mums are doing taking care of their babies don’t worry. There is no one correct way of taking care of your baby. The only essential thing is the care, love and concern that you give to your baby. Should you breast feed or what type of food is ideal for you baby to take. There is no right answers or wrong answers. You just have to give your baby the care, love and attention they need and you will be doing fine.

#4. Ultimate Guide For Coping With Change For New Mums.

It takes about 4 months for  new mums to get adjusted to being a mother. So do not expect your day to go as how you are accustomed to. Taking care of baby will not be smooth sailing. Do not expect perfection but seek for a balance. Your baby may fall sick or next moment something unexpected may happen. So if you take it in your stride, you can overcome all the crisis and anxiety that comes your way regardless of any uncertainty.

#5. Join A Chat Group For New Mums 

Nowadays with the internet, there are many chat groups for instance that you can join. Be part of of these chat groups. Firstly because you can give and receive support from one another. Secondly you can  exchange ideas and learn from each other as well as share your own personal experience on being a new mum.

#6. Stay Positive.

Looking after baby can drain and sap your energy. As a result of low energy, you may give in to negativity. You start to doubt your own ability to be a good mum to your baby. You need to stay positive. Negative self talk can drain you mentally and emotionally. So if you catch yourself giving in to negative self talk, stop and reinforce yourself. Change your low self image and the way you talk to yourself. Tell yourself that you are the Best Mum and what you are doing is just what your baby needs. Because only you know what is best for your baby.

#7. Stay Focus On Being The Best Mum To Your Baby. 

Whatever you do stay focus on being the best mum to your baby. Do not be sidetracked from this goal. Your goal is to raise a happy healthy kid that one day will grow into a creative adult and contribute something positive to humanity. Do not forget your goal as a mother even if your baby happens to suffer from some disability. It will be tough going but “All Things Work For Good To Those Who Love God And Are Called To His Purpose.” God has called you to be a mum to your baby. So stay focus on your calling as a mum.

#8. Know Your Priority Between Your Partner And Your Baby.

When baby comes into the scene, there is a tendency to spend all your time and energy on your baby and forget your partner. Do not forget this golden rule. The most important person in your life should be your partner followed by your baby. Because without your partner there will not be a happy and secure home for your baby. Because your baby is small and helpless we make the mistake that we should devote more time on baby at the expense of your partner. This is detrimental to building a happy and secure home for your baby to grow up. New research have found that couples break up after 12 months of baby’s arrival.  So a husband and a wife relationship should not be compromised. You priority should be first as wife and secondly as a mother.

#9.  Mums-Babies Bond Is Special.

Mums and babies have a special bond. Some mums experience an instant connection to their new born child as an overwhelming feeling of love and protectiveness. Because babies spend 9 months in their mothers wombs so it is natural that they are attached and bonded to their mothers. The bond between mums and babies is special because when the going gets rough, mums is one person that we can count on that will not desert us. Mothers will always be special and has a special place in our hearts.

#10. Know That You Are Tasked With An Amazing Responsibility.

A mothers job is amazing. Bringing up a child who has suckled at your breast  is an amazing God given responsibility. Even Jesus who is God-Man gives due respect to His Mother Mary. So if your are tasked with the responsibility of taking care of your baby accept your role with gratitude and humility. Because it will change you and your destiny forever. Welcome Aboard New Mum. I hope the 10 guides for new mums have been helpful. If you have any queries or comments do write them in the comments below. I hope to hear from you.


Ultimate Guide For New Mums On Mindful Parenting.

Besides the above 10 tips on the Ultimate Guide For New Mums, we also have tips for you on being a mindful parent. So if you are keen to know more on this subject  go to my blog on Mindful Parenting. There you will get to learn more about what is and how to be a mindful parent.

Ultimate Guide On Selecting The Best Gifts For New Mums and Babies.

If you are a husband pondering what you want to give your wife who has just given you a beautiful baby. Or if you are a colleague or a mother whose daughter has just given birth to a beautiful baby. So if you like to know what to buy for new mums check out my blog on Best Gifts for New Mums and Babies. Because you will get a glimpse into what most new mums or parents would like as gifts.

Ultimate Guide For New Mums On Earning A Side Income Working From Home.

It is always a happy and welcome occasion for a new member to join the family but there is also the added burden of one more mouth to feed. You need more income to buy milk powder, diapers and accessories like nursery cover and stroller. So you will be more than keen to learn how to earn side income as a new mum. It was difficult in the past to work from home because there was no Internet. As a result there was less opportunity but nowadays it is very different. Because if you want to earn extra income you can buy and sell online through the Internet. You may need to pick up some skills in the beginning but once you know how, you can learn and earn from home online. As a result, you can earn 24/7 within the comfort of your home.   

Tips For Having More Energy During First Six Months of Postpartum Fatigue.

During the first six  months after giving birth, you may suffer from postpartum fatigue. Or you may suffer from lack of sleep because of your new born baby. So you may want to look into your nutrition and exercise regime. Are you taking enough supplements and vitamins to boost up your energy. Looking after your baby’s needs like breast feeding, feeding, changing diapers and doing housework may be draining so you need to stay healthy. You should  also learn to practice Tai Chi or Yoga 30 minutes a day deep breathing to keep you in perfect mental, emotional and spiritual well being. Sometimes the cause of your feeling drain and unhappy may or may not be due to physical but emotional and spiritual causes. 

Ultimate Guide For New Mums On Naming Your Child.

There is a saying that sticks and stones will break my bones but funny names won’t hurt me. This could be further from the truth. Many a child have been psychologically taunted in school by peers because of their names. So new  parents should give more thought to naming their babies.  They will have to suffer less taunting from their cohorts.  So select a name that they can be proud of and live up to. Have you ever wondered what God thinks about this subject of naming His creation. The original name of Abraham before he became the father of all nations was Abram. His wife original name was Sarai. God changed Abram name to Abraham meaning father of faith or father of all nations and Sarai to Sarah. Henceforth their destiny changed because sound is vibration. All creation is vibration.

Mums Breastfeeding Clothes, Nursing Tops And Accessories

As a new mums you have the option to choose between breast feeding and feeding on milk powder. So if you decide on breastfeeding you may wish to consider the type of breastfeeding clothes and nursing tops and accessories that are ideal for breastfeeding.  

Frugal tips for families

With the addition of one new member into the family you need to be frugal. Live within your means. When your expenditure is less that your total income, you are living frugally. Occasionally it is okay to over spend in a month but this should be an exception and not the rule. How much each one should spend a month depends on what is his income. So if you are earning a big income you can spend more than one who earns a lesser income. Because in both cases the rule is never spend more than what you earn. Your expenditure should always be less than your total income. Eat out less often and home cook your food. Buy in bulk to save on purchases and be on the look out for promotions and special offers. 

Ultimate Guide To Making You A Better Mum For New Mums.

The best mum is someone who takes good care of themselves so they are better able to take care for their baby. Secondly, there are lots of information in the library and on the Internet  to guide you on being a better mum. Rather then just doing it instinctively or by trial and error. By taking care of yourself, you indirectly relieve the burden of your loved ones. Because if you neglect your health and is frequently sick, you will be a burden on loved ones to help you take care of your baby. The best person to look after your baby is you yourself not others because it is your baby. You know your baby’s needs best. 

Ultimate Guide For New Mums On Pregnancy Tips.

If you are going to be a new mums in the near future here are some tips for you. Rest well and eat well because it is not one person that you are looking after but two. First yourself and secondly your baby.  So remember to stay positive mentally and emotionally as well as healthy physically. Exercise caution because any mishaps like falling or slipping would cause injury to  both mother and the unborn child. You may suffer a miscarriage as a result. Take lots of nourishing tonics to strengthen yourself physically because there are two not just one of you to look after. So if your wish to exercise, do yoga with care. Do the deep breathing form of yoga exercises but not the strenuous type of yoga. There is a type of yoga designed for pregnant woman. Sign up for those type of yoga classes.  

Why Mums Are So Special

 All sound creates vibrations. All around us, creation is vibration. Before the world came into being. God spoke the word (Sound) and the world came into being.  The sound of mums is made from the sounding of Ah and MM. Sages has chant OM or AUM as the Sound of all sounds of the Universe. AUM is made from sounding AH  UH  MM. The first and last sounding of Mum has Ah and MM. Mum is universal love, compassion and the mother of all beings. Not only in sound but in their physical act of love and self sacrifice that makes Mum so special.


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