Mary Queen Of My Heart

Mums-and-kids, mother and child, Mary queen of heart

In my soul, where dreams take flight,
There blooms a rose so tender and bright.
Her smile, speaks of love’s sweet art,
Her name is Mary, Queen of my Heart.

Beneath the sky where stars align,
She reigns supreme, a beauty so divine.
With eyes that sparkle like morning dew,
I find a love so Pure and True.

Her smile dances on the summer breeze,
A melody that puts my mind at ease.
Her touch, a gentle caress in the night,
Guides me through darkness, into the light.

She’s the sun that warms my winter’s chill,
A beam that lights my windowsill.
Her presence, a comfort that never depart,
Mary, forever Queen of my Heart.

Through life’s winding paths, both near and far,
She is my constant, my guiding star.
Her love, a beacon that leads me home,
No matter where in this world I roam.

In her embrace, I find my place,
A haven wrapped in a Mother’s grace.
With every beat, a song I start,
Singing of Mary, Queen of my Heart.

So here I stand, ever grateful and true,
Grateful for the days you help me through.
Forever and always, my Mother thou art,
You’ll reign as Mary, Queen of my Heart.

Mums-and-kids, mother and child, Mary queen of heart

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